Join Mike on an early morning walk to learn bird song around our beautiful neighbourhood. Optional bird song walks last for around one hour and involve a short walk into our adjacent woods. The walks are available in Spring - March to the end of May.
Enjoy Mike's bird recordings below.
Song Thrush Turdus philomelos. The song thrush is one of our most easily identified song birds. It normally starts singing in late March (before the blackbird). It likes to repeat phrases. Listen to this example
Common Blackbird Turdus merula. The song of the blackbird is often described as slow paced, flutey, The composition of each song phrase differs, but generally consists of a few melodic notes followed by higher-pitched twittering. Listen to this example
Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs. The typical song of the male Chaffinch consists of a descending rattle of musical notes followed by accelerated ending.Almost like an 'underlining' . Listen to this example
Early May Morning . Recorded at our local woodland on a rainy May morning. Here we can listen to the constant sound of a summer visitor, the chiff-chaff and a beautiful resident blackbird.
Chevington warblers . East Chevington nature reserve lies next to the north sea. Here we can listen to three warblers. Firstly Sedge warbler with the descending sound of willow warbler in the background. Towards the end of this recording there is the explosive sound of Cetti's warbler.
Our morning learn bird song circular walk takes around one hour and is priced at £25 per head. Our first stop will station us overlooking the River Coquet, where we would hope for Kingfisher, the beautiful song of dipper, moorhen and grey wagtail. As we move into Felton woods there are constant calls of great-spotted woodpecker, nuthatch, marsh tit, siskin and bullfinch with many other residents, being joined by summer visitors, blackcap, chiffchaff and willow warbler in April / May. In the clearings and open fields we will usually find soaring buzzard, sparrowhawk, and sometimes osprey depending on the season.
More bird song recordings by Mike
Our learn bird song walk is available from the beginning of March to the end of May where songbirds will be vocal and therefore easier to see. All common woodland birds are joined in spring by summer visitors.